So, you want to do something other than farm loot? Good for you. There's a reason for this game's name. Here are some quests to amuse you.
Warden Symbol of Tunare
Kromrif Military Leggings
Talisman of Benevolence
Coldain Prayer Shawl
Qeynos Badge of Nobility
Shadow Haven Merchant Quest
Tunare Signet Ring
Key to Veeshan's Peak
Coldain Ring Walk Thru 1-8
Eyepatch of Plunder
Signet of Grisk
Pure Blood spell
Sebilis Loot Guide
Plane of Hate Guide
Kael Drakkal Guide
Grouping Hints for Druids
Haste Items
Spawn Info for Major Mobs
Major Mob Drop List: A-I
Major Mob Drop List: J-Q
Major Mob Drop List: R-Z
Charm/Fear Kiting For Druids
Antonica/Kunark Slowable Mobs
Velious Slowable Mobs
Luclin Slowable Mobs
Planes Slowable Mobs
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