Coldain Prayer Shawl Quest
Some people compare this quest to the epic. It certainly is time consuming, and at the end, you won't be able to do it alone. To do these quests, you will need to develop many skills that have otherwise not been used. Really, who used pottery? So be ready to spend a lot of time and money building skills.
Go to Loremaster Borannin in Thurgadin at the great hall. It's at the end of the hall from the bank, past the Paladin guild. Say "I seek to perform duties for the crown." Borannin will ask you to bring back to him four frost giant toes. Frost giant toes seem to drop randomly of all frost giants. The best place to hunt is at the dead Wizard spire in Great Divide, near the EW zone. Hand in the four toes
Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!
Reward: Burlap Coldain Prayer Shawl |
AC 1, wis +1, int +1, sv cold +1 |
The second Prayer Shawl quest is initiated by saying "What task?" to Loremaster Borannin.
Loremaster Borannin says
'Every year the Dain replaces the trophies in his trophy room. There is a reward
given for the best new trophy obtained. I intend to win this year and I will
upgrade your prayer shawl for assisting me. Fill this box with ten Kromrif heads
and bring me the combined contents along with the burlap shawl. I will submit
the best one for the Dains consideration.'
You will be given a Preservationists Box which requires a free slot. Fill the
box with 10 Kromrif Heads and hit combine to make a box of Preserved Kromrif
Heads. Again, the best place to hunt is in Great Divide at the wizard spire.
Once you hit combine, hand in the box along with your Burlap Coldain Prayer
Shawl to Borannin.
Loremaster Borannin says 'Ahh, some fine specimens indeed, Devastation. I will
have the best of these mounted at once, wish me luck in the contest! Before I
forget, here is the Cloth Prayer Shawl of our people. Before long I will have
yet another [chore] for you to complete. Be sure to keep checking.
Your faction standing with
Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!
Reward: Cloth Coldain Prayer Shawl |
AC 2, wis +2, int +2, sv cold +2 |